What is LiquorTX
Sales information for every Texas bar & restaurant
Built for owners, investors, vendors, employees, and more, LiquorTX is the only mobile app for viewing monthly sales, license details, owner information, and product mix on over twelve thousand bars and restaurants in Texas.

Browse on the map
Start by looking at businesses around you, check out their sales and how they stack up to the others nearby.

View license & historical sales
Click on any business to view its license information and monthly sales in an easy-to-read format.

Search & filter
Use the powerful search and filter functions to find a specific business, owner, or permit number.
How current is the information?
LiquorTX posts sales data as soon as it is released by the Texas State Comptroller. Reports are due by the 20th and released by the 1st. For example January sales are reported February 20th and released March 1st.
What can I see with a Free account?
Free users can get unlimited access to the most recent months' sales figures. Swipe through each business in map view to see liquor sales, click on up to five businesses per month to view licensee information and historical sales.
Where do you get your data?
LiquorTX brings together data from the TABC, State Comptroller, and the Texas Secretary of State.
What do I get with a Premium account?
For $9.99/month, Premium users get unlimited business information views (license information and historical data), new license notifications, and the ability to create a Favorites list.

“Now I have the ability to see how I compare to my competitors without having to look them up one by one.”

“Favorite app by far. Easy to navigate, very user friendly.”

"The fact that you can search by
map location is incredible.
This app is amazing.”